DEF CON 2014 CTF Quals -nonameyet

nonameyet was a 3 point problem for DEF CON 2014 CTF Qualification rounds written by HJ; who according to legitbs “is a French-language enthusiast and beard connoisseur. He lives in the Cabin in the Woods from that horror movie.” The problem statement was simple: I claim no responsibility for the…

DEFCON 2013 CTF Quals – Exploitation 2 Running at All we were given for this problem is a core dump. Examining the core file revealed it was for FreeBSD ARM. One of the guys had setup a Raspberry Pi (have I mentioned how useful those…

DEFCON 2013 CTF Quals - Reverse Engineering 1

But I already typed that… **** **** Opening the core file in gdb reveals that it was “dumped” at the 2nd instruction of main. Reversing policebox gave: int __cdecl main() { signed int v1; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@5 if ( !isatty(ttyfd)…

Plaid CTF - giga (Crypto 250)

Problem statement: We found a wonderful new service you can use to secure all of your files with, though it is still in beta. The source is available at And the service can be found at [IP] on port 4321 Service code: #!/usr/bin/env python import os…

Plaid CTF 2013 - cyrpto (crypto 100)

A pretty simple problem: cyrpto 100 crypto One of us devised a new cryptosystem! Can you break it? running at import random # bleh, figuring out how to decrypt stuff is hard... # good thing there's a service running at 54.234.245.…

2013 GITS Teaser &- pwnadventure - aka Solvers were so 2012

Find the key. Pwnadventure running at I came into the problem late, my team had already retrieved the binary (ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=0x0ef0c145211b8dacbaf4e8249282efa03f8f6dbb, stripped). Turns out…

Hacking the Nook Color - Saga 1

So one of my friends bought a nook color this past week and I had a chance to play with it. I fell in love. Then once I found out ebay was having a $50 off special, I HAD to pull the trigger. I received it yesterday. It lasted all…

Wow.. Has it been a year?

So this is why I really don’t blog. I always forget to update. So I was going to try and track the two main projects I was working on.. The backup project is at least functional, though the automated “car full of tapes” part isn’t done… it at…